successful case

A client was breaking up a fight between his sister and his girlfriend. In the melee, his girlfriend stumbled backward and fell. In the fall, her neck landed on the exposed root of a maple tree, causing serious injury and permanent paralysis. The client was charged with assault. At trial, we were able to convince […]

A client was the subject of a traffic stop. Ultimately the search of his vehicle revealed 30 pounds of marijuana. At the suppression hearing, the Trooper testified that one of the reasons for the stop was that the client had a “disclaimer” on his bumper. It was a sticker that said, “if you love your […]

Police were dispatched to a call of shots fired. When they arrived in the area, they saw nothing but pulled over the only car in the area. Our client was the driver of that car. The police noticed one of the passenger windows had been broken and there was glass in the car. Assuming the […]

Client was arrested and charged with sexual assault when his girlfriend was injured and taken to the hospital. The police interviewed the girlfriend the next day and told her repeatedly that she had been sexually assaulted (which she never said). Months later, we were able to find out that Health and Human Services had interviewed […]

A client was the subject of a traffic stop and a subsequent search of his vehicle revealed 60 pounds of marijuana. The cruiser video showed clearly that the officer handling the drug dog queued the dog to alert to the rear of the vehicle. We filed a motion to get the training and proficiency records […]